PIBE project outcomes
Scientific papers in peer reviewed journals
- Kayser, B., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2023. Criteria for the assessment of the influence of atmospheric turbulence on wind turbine noise propagation. Acta Acustica 7, 63.
- Kayser, B., Mascarenhas, D., Cotté, B., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2023. Validity of the effective sound speed approximation in parabolic equation models for wind turbine noise propagation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153, 1846–1854.
- Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., 2022. Experimental study of the dynamic stall noise on an oscillating airfoil. Journal of Sound and Vibration 537, 117144.
- Sicard, L., Monchaux, R., Cotté, B., Raus, D., Jondeau, E. Experimental characterization of the airfoil stall noise at high angles of attack. Submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2024
Communications in scientific conferences (with proceedings)
- Cotté, B., Sicard, L., Monchaux, R., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., 2024. Experimental characterization of stall noise on a pitching wind turbine blade section, in: Proc. Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes, France.
- Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., Cotté, B., Roger, M., Schmich-Yamane, I., Junker, F., 2024. Predicting the impact of wind turbine noise: general overview and results of the PIBE project, in: Proc. Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes, France.
- Gauvreau, B., Alarcon, A., Bianchetti, S., Boittin, R., Brendel, L., Cotté, B., Gary, V., Guillaume, G., Junker, F., Kayser, B., Lefèvre, H., Litou, G., Mascarenhas, D., Ripolles, J., Schmich-Yamane, I., Ecotière, D., 2024. Uncertainties in numerical predictions and experimental characterization of wind farm noise, in: Proc. Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes, France.
- Guillaume, G., Cotté, B., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., Lefèvre, H., Junker, F., Schmich-Yamane, I., 2024. Development and distribution of an in situ experimental wind turbine noise database, in: Proc. Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes, France.
- Ripolles, J., Thénint, T., Schmich-Yamane, I., 2024. Introducing uncertainties in acoustic engineering studies, in: Proc. Inter-Noise 2024, Nantes, France.
- Ecotière, D., 2023. Uncertainties of band sound levels when estimated from monochromatic outdoor sound propagation calculations, in: Proc. Internoise, Chiba, Japan.
- Bianchetti, S., Kayser, B., Guillaume, G., Gauvreau, B., Notarantonio A., Junker F., Ecotière, D., 2023. Variability and uncertainty of wind farm noise: A comparison between numerical predictions and in-situ measurements, in: Proc. Forum Acusticum, Torino, Italy.
- Cotté, B., Mascarenhas, D., Ecotière, D., Guillaume, G., Gauvreau, B., Junker, F., 2023. Validation of a wind turbine noise propagation model against field measurements, in: Proc. Forum Acusticum, Torino, Italy.
- Kayser, B., Bianchetti, S., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2023. WindTUNE: a new tool for modelling wind farm noise uncertainties, in: Proc.10th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise, Dublin, Ireland.
- Kayser, B., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2022. Modelling the uncertainties of wind farm noise predictions, in: Proceeding of Inter-Noise 2022, Glasgow, UK
- Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., Schmich-Yamane, I., Alarcon, A., Nessi, M.-C., Junker, F., Guillaume, G., Gary, V., Brendel, L., Litou, G., Boittin, R., Segaud, L., Lefèvre, H., 2022. A large-scale, long-term experimental campaign for the investigation of wind turbine noise fluctuations and amplitude modulation phenomena, in: Proceeding of Inter-Noise 2022, Glasgow, UK.
- Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Lafoux, B., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., 2020. Experimental Investigation of the Acoustic Radiation of an Oscillating Airfoil, in: Proc. 9th Forum Acusticum. Presented at the 9th Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France.
- Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., Cotté, B., Roger, M., Schmich, I., Nessi, M.-C., 2019. PIBE: a new French project for predicting the impact of wind turbine noise, in: Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise, Lisbon, Portugal.
Communications in scientific conferences or seminar (without proceedings)
- Ecotière, D., 2024. Prévoir l’Impact du Bruit des Eoliennes : bilan du projet PIBE, in: Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations. Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Autun, France.Gauvreau, B., 2024. Projet PIBE : résultats et outils du GT2, in: Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations. Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Autun, France.Ecotière, D., 2023. Propagation en milieu extérieur : Incertitudes sur l’estimation des bandes d’octave et de tiers d’octave calculés à partir de calculs mono fréquentiels. Presented at the Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Kayser, B., Bianchetti, S., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2023. WindTUNE: un nouvel outil pour estimer les incertitudes de prévision du bruit éolien. Presented at the Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Aix-en-Provence, France
- Sicard, L., Raus, D., Monchaux, R., Cotté, B., Jondeau, E., 2022. Experimental characterization of the aerodynamic stall noise on a static airfoil by synchronous PIV and acoustic measurements, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Ecotière, D., 2022. Prévoir l’Impact du Bruit des Eoliennes (projet PIBE), in: 9es Assises Nationales de La Qualité de l’environnement Sonore. Paris, France.
- Kayser, B., Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2022. Influence de la turbulence atmosphérique sur la propagation du bruit des éoliennes, in: Congrès Français d’Acoustique. Marseille, France.
- Kayser, B. 2022. Influence de la turbulence atmosphérique sur la propagation du bruit des éoliennes. Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Bron, France.
- Gauvreau, B., 2022. Campagne expérimentale du projet PIBE : présentation et exploitation de la base de données (acoustique, météo). Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Bron, France.
- Sicard, L., Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., 2021. Characterization of the amplitude modulation phenomenon of wind turbines noise, in: Journées Acoustique et Applications Navales. Marseille, France.
- Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Lafoux, B., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., 2020. Experimental Investigation of the Acoustic Radiation of an Oscillating Airfoil, in: Journée de Dynamique Des Fluides Du Plateau de Saclay. Journée de Dynamique des Fluides du Plateau de Saclay, Saclay.
- Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., 2019. Étude expérimentale du bruit large bande d’un profil d’aile statique ou en oscillation David Raus, Benjamin, in: Journées Acoustique et Applications Navales. Journées Acoustique et Applications Navales, Marseille, France.
- Ecotière, D., Gauvreau, B., 2019. Projet PIBE (Prévoir l’Impact du Bruit des Eoliennes). Journées Techniques Acoustique et Vibrations, Strasbourg, France.
- Ecotière, 2019. PIBE project (Predicting the Noise impact of wind turbines). International Energy Agency Wind TCP Task 39 meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Database of the long-term experimental measurement campaign (WP2): web interface scheduled online oct 2024.
Software and numerical tools
- Tool for evaluating the influence of aerodynamic turbulence on wind turbine noise propagation (WP2) : ShadZapp web interface, 2023
- Code for acoustic propagation in an outdoor environment based on a 'parabolic equation' model (matlab code) (WP 2): github repository, 2023
- Tool for calculating the noise uncertainties of a wind farm modelled with a research code (WP2): web interface WINDTUNE scheduled online oct 2024
- Tool for calculating the noise uncertainties of a wind farm modelled with the engineering software Code_Tympan (WP 2): github repository 2023